
Thursday, 31 January 2013

Ever heard of Masala Bhangra?

Masala Bhangra is the latest cardio workout to hit the scene. For those of you who have never heard of it, you may want to watch the movie Slumdog Millionaire. Essentially, it is a workout based on the Bollywood dances we have all grown to love so much. It can help you burn around 420 calories per hour
and these numbers are accurate for a 70kg (154lbs) individual.

The Development of Masala Bhangra
Masala Bhangra was created by Sarina Jain. It is a cardio workout that lasts for an entire hour, and it includes squats, sliding steps, turns, jumps and moving the hands and wrists, all to a background of Masala Bhangra music. Bhangra is a percussion style of music that is often described as a mix of classical Indian sounds and hip-hop. If you take Masala Bhangra classes, you should only do so with a very motivating instructor. The class should feel as if you are at a party, rather than at a regimented workout.
The Birth of Masala Bhangra Cardio
Although it is a new type of cardio workout, Masala Bhangra has actually been around since the beginning of 1990. Sarina Jain quickly noticed that people in India were interested in this type of dance moves, so she began to not just choreograph dances based on the principle, but actually teach classes as well.
Taking Part in a Masala Bhangra Workout
One thing to bear in mind is that these classes are not easy. However, they do burn 500 calories an hour, which is very impressive and Masala Bhangra weight loss will follow very quickly. The reality is, however, that most people only last half an hour the first time they try it and they often get disillusioned and give up on it. Try, however, to hold on to the fact that it’s very low in pressure. Also, don’t feel silly if you can’t quite grasp the moves, there will be loads of other people in your class who struggle with it.
Perhaps you would like to invest in a Masala Bhangra video to get to grips with some of the moves first, so you feel less silly when you go to class. Try to enjoy the music and the fact that the music is amazing. Your spirits will lift as soon as your instructor shouts “balla balla” or “celebrate”. Try the workout at least twice. You will find that you are already better at it the second time around, so you will only get better if you keep at it.

Read article here

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